Keynote Speaker


"Value Driven e-Commerce: Perspectives on Organizations, Processes and People"

By Professor Jari Salo, Department of Marketing, University of Oulu, Finland



Keynote will focus on the pertinent topics related to the value driven e-commerce. Several questions will be raised: How big data is helping organizations to understand path to purchase in E-commerce? How is cloud computing altering service ecosystems ? How is social media and login enabling organizations ? How are mobile ecosystems challenging traditional e-commerce ? How are consumers reacting to these changes ?


Dr. Jari Salo is a Professor of Marketing at the University of Oulu. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Marketing at the School of Business at the Aalto University. Salo’s research interests include digital marketing and mobile marketing. Salo has more than 140 publications. His research has been published in journals such as Computers in Human Behavior, Online Information Review, Industrial Marketing Management and International Journal of Information Management. Salo has been involved in organizing several international conferences.